3.2.10 Administrative staff evaluations
The institution periodically evaluates the effectiveness of its administrators.
JUDGMENT: Compliant
SWTJC college policy DLA (Local) sets forth the mechanism and frequency for the evaluation of its administrators. The purpose of the evaluation is to promote professional excellence, improve skills, facilitate student learning and provide continuous improvement. The philosophy guiding the evaluation process is built on mutual trust and open communication to maintain dignity and worth of the individual and the College District. The evaluation is an assessment of the individual’s fulfillment of contractual responsibilities and of support for and progress toward the College District’s goals and objectives.
The SWTJC President annually evaluates all Senior Staff based on a standardized evaluation instrument. The evaluation documents provide the basis for discussion between the President and the Vice President or Associate Vice President. The administrator prior performance is evaluated and feedback is provided to guide future development and areas of improvement. The following evaluations are provided as evidence of the evaluation of senior administrators.
Vice President Evaluation Sample 1
Vice President Evaluation Sample 2
Vice President Evaluation Sample 3
Associate Vice President Evaluation Sample 1
Associate Vice President Evaluation Sample 2
SWTJC Policy DLA (Local) Employee Performance Evaluation
SWTJC Staff Performance Evaluation
SWTJC Vice President Evaluation Sample 1
SWTJC Vice President Evaluation Sample 2
SWTJC Vice President Evaluation Sample 3
SWTJC Associate Vice President Evaluation Sample 1
SWTJC Associate Vice President Evaluation Sample 2